Dedicated compliance specialists
Whilst our payroll people are experts in what they do, we don’t leave anything up to chance and so they are backed by our own in-house legislation specialists.
They are charged with monitoring changes to the law and HMRC obligations and ensuring that Dataplan GP Payroll and our clients remain compliant. They also support our clients with specific requirements such as PAYE, BIKs and IR35 legislation (off payroll working).

Saving you the costs of getting it wrong
As part of our payroll offering, we provide payroll and tax consultancy services to save you the costs of getting it wrong. Non-compliance has many implications, from hefty HMRC fines or penalties to tax inefficiencies the costs can soon rack up. GP practices have particular compliance issues to tackle, such as locum staff being caught by IR35 legislation, which can often need an expert to interpret to make sure your obligations are being met.
What is included in our payroll and tax consultancy services?
Our payroll and tax consultancy services are designed to rigorously check your processes and systems, identify issues of non-compliance and give advice on steps to take to resolve the identified issues. The three steps are known as check, identify and advice.
The first stage involves an initial health check in which we use a 32-page checklist to look thoroughly at your PAYE, tax and benefits systems as well as other areas like Apprenticeship Levy. HMRC will leave no stone unturned during an inspection, so neither will we.
In this next stage we identify problem areas that were flagged during the health check. We often find that even with the correct processes in place there are still issues to iron out here and there, and with the cost of non-compliance being potentially hefty it is important to get this right.
Having thoroughly checked your systems and processes and identified any errors, at the final stage of the process we will offer our advice for ensuring compliance. We will also provide advice on opportunities for greater tax efficiency and savings where it is possible.